How to sell products or services that I provide

How to sell products or services that I provide

RaiseBerry offers great products for sale, but you don't have to sell just those! Do you need to sell event admissions? Car wash tickets? or restaurant punch cards? We gotchu.

First, you need to create the product in your RaiseBerry account. Go to: Products > My Custom Product > Add Product

Provide the product name, short description and long description of the product you are selling

Choosing to hide a product will make it hidden from the campaign, which might come in handy when needed. Since a custom product that is added to a campaign cannot be deleted, this is the way for supporters to not be able to view the product. 

Product type can be one of these types:  
  1. Simple - these are products that are just one type of physical product, with no variations (e.g. memorial badge)
  2. Variable - this is one type of item that has variations available (e.g. shirt with different sizes, blankets with different colors)
  3. Grouped - items that are sold individually that are bundled together (e.g. chips with four different flavors that are sold per piece, but when sold as a bundle there is a $5 discount)
  4. Downloadable - an item that would be anything that are shared for supporters to download after purchase (e.g. team video, digital punchcard, PDF file)
  5. Virtual - items that are fulfilled virtually (e.g. virtual tickets, registration fees, carwash passes, admission tickets, team photos, collect fees)
Tax Category dictates what kind of sales taxes will be charged for the sales of the product. RaiseBerry will handle it for you—but you must try to categorize it correctly for your organization. The categories are:
  1. General - Tangible Goods - this is the most common one. It's for physical products not falling under the other tax categories listed
  2. General - Services - for services offered that are not supplied electronically
  3. General - Electronically Supplied Services - for services that are offered electronically or virtually
  4. Nontaxable - a hard item that won’t be taxed. This is typically an item being provided by the campaign, under a nonprofit or non-taxable entity.
  5. Gift card - Taxes typically aren’t assessed on these, just because they are charged at the actual point of sale
  6. Sports Activities Equipment - sporting goods/tools, materials, apparel, and gear 
  7. Consumer Electronics - electronic devices bought for personal use
  8. Cash Donation - these aren’t taxed (e.g. Campaigns that throw events where their supporters will buy a “plate” for the dinner at the event, admission tickets for a concert)
  9. Food for Non-Immediate Consumption - packaged food for consumption outside the premises of the manufacturer
Enter the brand name of the product. This is an optional field.

Product Shipping: Tick the box if the item is shippable. 
You will need to enter the physical dimensions of the product so that shipping fees can stay accurate. Note: If you offer shipping, you will have to process shipping outside of the RaiseBerry platform—so you're on your own in this case. 

Product Pricing: Enter the retail price and cost of the product. The Profit Margin field will auto-populate. 

Check the box if the product you are offering is taxable.

Product Inventory: You have the option to manage the product's inventory through RaiseBerry. 
Once you check the box for 'Manage Stock', other fields will also appear for you to fill out.
Low threshold is the quantity that will trigger a 'Low in stock' note that's visible for supporters

Product Picture: Add product photos that accurately show the item as well as its important features. Note: Use square photos of 1MB or less. 

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