Q: Who can hold a fundraiser on RaiseBerry?
A: US-based accredited schools, youth sports teams, and registered 501(c)3 organizations.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: It’s always free. We never charge anything to the fundraising organization. Also, we don’t take any portion of donations.
We make our money two ways: the supporter pays a checkout fee, and when campaigns offer products from our catalog, we make a small margin—but it never comes out of your profit.
Also, we charge nothing for products that you create and sell in your RaiseBerry account—we only charge the supporter a checkout fee.
Q: When do I get money from this fundraiser?
A: Once an item is fulfilled, the funds deposit to your connected bank account within 7 days. Donations are immediately marked as fulfilled by the system, automatically.
You must complete the bank account and stripe account setup process in your RaiseBerry Account before you can receive any funds.
Q: Can my administrator have visibility into my campaigns?
A: Yes. You can do this when you set up your account by inviting an approver / administrator to access your campaign, or else you must contact us at raiseberry.com or 801-871-5810 to update your account type.